Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My Favourite Poem-1 : Tennyson's 'Ulysses'

Tennyson's Ulysses is one of my favourite poems. Whenever I feel depressed or disheartened, I recall this poem and I have read it often. Especially the last few lines of this poem are like a tonic to me.

The long day wanes; the slow moon climbs; the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends.
It is not too late to seek a newer world.
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are, --
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

To strive for the best in life; To seek the real meaning of this life; To find what this life is all about; There will be all sorts of difficulties, painful obstacles, formidable challenges; we will fight them all; overcome them all; surmount them all and we will never yield to them. The full poem is just a click away -

Text of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Ulysses"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Suri.Iwant to have this on a wall paper in my office behind my seat.Regards,
