Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Three Obstacles to Success

Most people would like more out of life than they already have. Some of them even define it. Yet, most of them will never achieve it, and it is because they are so easily stopped.

Just think of all the things you have ever wanted to accomplish in your life, and then think why you did not accomplish them. You would probably say you did not try hard enough or you never planned it out properly. But it is because you were stopped by three things that stops many people from being successful than anything else. In no particular order they are:

1. FEAR : Fear of failure is the single, biggest obstacle to our success. Fear is a negative motivator. It paralyzes us. Most people don’t succeed because they are afraid to fail. They are so afraid to fail; they don’t even try; which creates a vicious cycle since the only time we really fail is when we stop trying! Do you really believe that if you keep going out there day after day that you are not at least giving yourself the opportunity to be successful, to be great, to be the best? It is only when we STOP that we take away any opportunity we ever had to be great.

2. OTHER PEOPLE: This is a huge obstacle to success. Other people are always so ready, willing and able to tell us “It can’t be done,” and stop us from doing all the things we want to do in our lives and careers. They would like you to think they are acting in your best interests, but they are not. In fact, too often they are acting in their own best interests. There are too many people who want to stop you so that you don’t become more successful than they are. They feel it is easier to keep you down with them, than to get up off their rear ends and join you in achieving success. The next time one of these “other people”, tells us it cannot be done, say to them, “you are right, you can’t do it, but I can.”

3. HABITS: Bad habits constantly stop us. The habit of procrastination; laziness; call reluctance; not writing things down and many others. The problem with bad habits is not that we have them; it is how we try to break them. Habits are not addictions (drinking, drugs, gambling). Addictions have to be stopped immediately. Habits only be changed gradually. After all, you did not acquire that bad habit overnight. What makes you think you can change it overnight? Bad habits must be changed a little bit at a time. Mark out one day a week that you would not procrastinate; make one more sales call a week than you normally would; wake up five minutes earlier every day. Do it for a month, the next month do it a little more. Don’t try to break out of your comfort zone, just expand it.

There are no overnight successes. Success is a long journey over a road that has many roadblocks (fear, other people, bad bits). It is the people that go over, around and through those roadblocks who become successful.

Courtesy: Yuva Bharati, Feb.2008

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