Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Letters-10: "Laudable Initiative"

1. The initiative taken by the Darul Uloom Deoband to denounce terrorism is highly commendable (“Journey from Deoband – exacting but rewarding”, The Hindu, Madurai, March 1, 2008). As the article rightly says, “the Muslim community will need to move away from the victimhood refrain” and assert its rights in a democratic way. The engagement of clerics in this process was much needed because, if carried forward in an organized manner, it will develop into a major setback for those who spread terrorism in the name of religion. – Vipul Grover, Chandigarh

2. The Deoband declaration, though a little late, is a significant first step by the Muslim community to come to terms with reality. Had the Deoband came out openly against terror must earlier, it would have had a salutary influence. Darul Uloom Deoband is the religious fountainhead for most Sunnis of Pakistan and Bangladesh too. It has a responsibility to influence the course of events in a positive way. - Subramanyam Sridharan, Chennai

Courtesy: ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu, Madurai, March 3, 2008

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