Friday, June 27, 2008

Environment-4: "The Climate Change"

Climate Change is currently one of the most pressing environmental issues facing the international community, the business world and individual citizens. Responding to this challenge requires efforts on many fronts.

There is a broad scientific consensus on the gravity of climate change caused by global warming. the majority of the world’s research community predicts that the global mean temperature will rise by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius over the next 100 years. Even the lower figure will have dramatic effects. melting glaciers, increased precipitation, more frequent and stronger hurricanes, rising sea levels and desertification. Severe disruptions to land usage and food and water supplies, the spread of diseases and migration of people and animals will inevitably follow.

Researchers agree that human activities are the main cause of global warming, as we annually release billions of tones of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases through burning huge volumes of oil, natural gas and coal and venting industrial gases. In order to stabilise the concentration of CO2) in the atmosphere and prevent accelerated temperature increase, global CO2 emissions need to be cut by 70-80%.

Our activities not only have an impact on environmental and social aspects. Economic growth will also be damaged if the climate challenge is ignored. The latest research conclude that ‘Climate change presents a unique challenge for economics; it is the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen’. Reducing emissions can be seen as an investment and must be viewed with economies of risk in mind. Acting now instead of waiting for the problem to escalate will, in the long run, reduce the total costs and provides a number of opportunities for innovation, growth and development as we move towards for carbon-constrained future.

Responding to the challenge requires efforts on many fronts. Based on its independent status, technology competence, risk management expertise and industry knowledge, DNV provides climate change services within three main areas: clean energy, emission reductions and adaptation.

The urgent need for a clean, low CO2 energy future creates a unique challenge for everybody. However, most clean energy solutions suffer from a lack of maturity in terms of technology, economy, infrastructure and common acceptance criteria.

Switching to clean energy sources will not happen overnight. The energy supply will depend heavily on oil, gas and coal for many years to come. Emission reduction activities will therefore be important to mitigate climate change.

This includes oil and gas production with minimum emissions. It also includes efforts to make electricity production from gas and coal cleaner through energy efficiently measures, new power plant technology and carbon capture and storage.

Due to past emissions, certain impacts of climate change are unavoidable, calling for adaptation measures in addition to emission reductions.

Excerpt from DNV Annual Report 2007, Det Norske Veritas, Sweden
Grateful thanks to Det Norkse Veritas, Sweden.

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