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Thursday, July 17, 2008

How to Challenge People About Global Warming Theories

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

The scientific community has come to the consensus that Earth is warming and humans are the cause of it. While Earth has always had natural cycles of warming and cooling, the rate at which the current warming is increase is far beyond the normal variation. The International Panel on Climate Change and all scientific societies have accepted anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming as fact. Yet there are still those who argue that it simply isn't happening or that humans cannot be the cause. Here are a few of the more popular claims made by the skeptics and how to refute their claims.


  1. Explain that scientists have measured increasing temperatures and CO2 levels in several ways if skeptics argue that the only real evidence for global warming is CO2 in ice core samples where it's very cold. It's true that scientists have measured historical levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and temperature from ice core samples, but this is not the only way. The most obvious and direct way of measuring temperature directly is with thermometers, but weather balloons and satellites are also being used to monitor temperature. Atmospheric CO2 is measured with sensitive equipment as well as flask samples. CO2 can also be measured in seawater. The overall trend of CO2 is that it has been increasing since the industrial revolution. Coupled with historical data, contemporary measurements, and computer models, CO2 is shown to have a strong correlation with recent warming.
  2. Explain that human's recent contribution to the total levels of CO2 have offset the natural process and have caused the world to warm if skeptics argue that the total human-produced CO2 levels are small compared to natural sources. It is estimated that if humans were not present, 95% of CO2 emissions would still occur. However, natural emissions are balanced by other natural processes which absorb CO2, such as plants and oceans. Additionally, CO2 causes heating through the greenhouse effect even in small quantities. CO2 has a long atmospheric lifetime. Once it's released can stay in the atmosphere for 200-450 years.
  3. Explain the importance of offsetting human contributions to the atmospheric CO2 levels as opposed to eliminating CO2 if skeptics argue that greenhouse gases are some of the most vital elements of this planet that keep it in order. Oceans and volcanoes help produce atmosphere on a planet. CO2 and other greenhouse gases are vital to our existence on this planet. Explain that we do not want to completely remove CO2 from the atmosphere. It's estimated Earth would be 30° C (54° F) colder without CO2, making Earth uninhabitable. However, too much CO2 has caused warming.
  4. Explain that the wavelength at which solar radiation passes through the atmosphere is not same as the infrared radiation Earth radiates back into space if skeptics argue that very notion of the greenhouse effect is flawed because UV rays from the sun which penetrate the CO2 in first place ought to be able to escape. The greenhouse effect was discovered in 1824. Greenhouse gases, such as CO2, hinder the process of allowing radiation to reflect back into space. This is the greenhouse effect.
  5. Explain that troposphere temperatures have been rising.22 to .4° F per decade, since 1979 if skeptics argue that the troposphere, the area that would be the hottest if greenhouse gases were causing climate change, is relatively cool. The troposphere is warming, just like the land temperatures.


  • The urban heat island, the warmer area around urban center, has not shown to effect global temperature measurements. Globally, temperatures are rising. Local temperatures, of course, fluctuate with weather patterns. Additionally, if you look at the oceans, where the urban heat island has no effect, you can find similar increases in temperature.
  • The reduction of ozone depletion is a result of our efforts to reduce our CFC emissions, and has virtually nothing to do with our CO2 emissions.
  • By exhaling, humans are a natural source of CO2 emissions. By burning fossil fuels, humans are also an unnatural source of CO2 emissions. The burning of fossil fuels is considered the main cause of global warming.
  • The current level of CO2 is approximately 383 parts per million. This is the highest level in 20 million years.
  • The most abundant gases in our atmosphere are, in order of highest to lowest, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and then carbon dioxide.
  • Keep in mind that not every scientist believes in Global warming and many are not even sure that Man is responsible. Many believe that Global warming is a natural occurrence with our earth, but it's still a good idea to keep your energy use to a minimum.
  • Keep global warming and cooling patterns in healthy perspective. The temperature of the earth has never been stagnant. The planet has always been either warming or cooling. Thus at any given time, one may employ an "if the trend continues" argument to suggest an impending global climate catastrophe.


  • Avoid partisan think tanks and other self-interested organizations (from both sides). They usually misrepresent the science or cherry pick information that may be inadequate or not relevant to the issue at hand.
  • Follow the money. Who is receiving money, how much, and from what source is the money coming from? Do the research.
  • Consider the messenger. Is the messenger giving a message of fear or hope (both suggest less than honest motives), one of sensationalist or of a sound rational approach? Doom and gloom is not helpful. Condemnation of those that don't agree and labeling them doesn't prove your position. Ad hominem attacks (name calling) is the sure sign of a weak argument!

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