Thursday, January 01, 2009

Random Thoughts-19: "On the New Year"


The New Year always brings hopes and expectations, thus making almost everyone an optimist. Even those who had a turbulent or miserable life look forward to the New Year in the hope that it would bring an end to all their sufferings and things turn out to be all right. That is why we celebrate the New Year's day.

Let us hope the New Year will bring the very best in our personal lives. Let me borrow the prayer of my little nephew Aravind: "Let there be no bomb blast anywhere in the world! Let there be no Tsunami anywhere in the world! Let me live happily! Let all the people live happily!" That was a prayer Aravind offered at the Kollan Kali Amman Temple, Karaikudi, when he was just seven or maybe eight years old. I am slightly modifying the prayer: "Let hatred and violence disappear from the face of the world. Let nature be kind to all of us and let there be no disasters. Let all that happens to me in the New Year be the very best. Let everyone on the globe find peace, harmony and happiness.

Saw a very old cartoon (of 1920s) in the public domain, depicting a child (the New Year) chasing an old man(the old year) into the history book and closing it tight. Yes, the past is for history and let us live in the present and make the most of it; naturally, the future will take care of itself.

Making resolutions on the New Year's day has become almost a ritual with some of us. Whether we follow them through is a different matter. However, it proves that there is still a streak of optimism in us and of course, reveals lack of perseverance. Let us hope that we could add perseverance to our enthusiasm and realize our dreams and fulfill our promises.

Wishing you a Happy, Prosperous and Purposeful New Year!

Grateful thanks to Vinod for providing the photo for this post.

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