Thursday, August 06, 2020


I was just too devastated to write anything after yesterday's Beirut blast.These words just came out spontaneously 

"Peaceful world and Life : A dream"

Life is going on smoothly.People are busy in their tasks.Some are shopping in markets,some are cooking at home, others are immersed in studying. Children are playing happily at home and streets. All of sudden there is a massive blast and an ear splitting noise with a shock wave so strong that it breaks the windows of houses 5Km away.As the initial commotion subsides the air is filled with cries of wounded and hurt.Some are paralysed with shock.Streets are laden with burned and charred dead bodies.People who were laughing moments ago are now nothing but a mass of burned ashes.
This was the scale of destruction that happened after yesterday blast in Beirut.I was absolutely shattered by the scenes of people lives and properties destroyed in an instant. 
I asked myself this question 

" Why there is so much death and destruction in this world?"
" Why do we need all those weapons and ammunition? "
"Why cant we live with eachother in peace and harmony? Why we have this urge to destroy others?"

Can we imagine the pain of a mother who lost her childern in that blast? Who can bring back the father that a child lost in this madness? Can anyone repay the damage done to a house that a person made after God knows how many years struggle?
Whenever such incidents happen my heart incurs a new scar everytime.I want to write on peace, nature and beauty but looking at the gloom and suffering every other day I just can't find the words.My heart just keeps bleeding and bleeding and I am sure every sensible person feels the same.
I pray that Lord Almighty have mercy on people of Beirut.The losses that they have incurred are beyond repairable.I pray that this world sees peace one day where no one has to go through such blood curdling scenarios. Life is too short so let's live in peace and make life beautiful for ourselves and everyone around us.

© Waqas Gul

I share the pain and feelings of Mr.Waqas Gul.

I have been asking these questions for a very long time now, especially this one : "WHY CAN'T WE LIVE IN PEACE WITH EVERYBODY?"

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