Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Bicycle Shed Effect

The Bicycle Shed Effect

You remember Parkinson’s Law? 
It is the one that says, *_‘Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.’_* 
There is another lesser-known law from Parkinson, that we should all be aware of.
A law that’s even more relevant, in a world filled with back-to-back meetings. 
*_Here’s an instance to illustrate the law._*
Imagine a business meeting that’s been called to discuss a two-point agenda. The first item on the agenda seeks approval to sign a contract to build a reactor, costing Rs.1.5 crore. The second item is a proposal, to build a bicycle shed for workmen, that will cost Rs.2 lacs. Once the meeting starts, here’s what happens. The Rs.1.5 crore reactor contract, gets approved in five minutes. Primarily because, Rs.1.5 crore is a very large sum that people can’t quite comprehend. Moreover it is very technical subject.
Everyone assumes this is such a big decision, the folks concerned would have done their homework. One man – who understands all about reactors – tries making a point, but discovers it is pointless, because no one else understands what he is saying. And the reactor deal gets approved, in a jiffy.
Up next, is the proposal for building the bicycle shed, costing approx Rs. 2 lacs. Now everyone in the room is familiar with bicycles & bicycle sheds. The HR guy talks passionately about the company’s tradition of  taking care of employees. The Finance guy says he cycles to work every day, leaves the bicycle out in the sun & there’s never been a problem. Says, he can’t understand why we need a bike shed at all. Someone suggests that we should re-look at the roofing material. Aluminum sheets are expensive, we should use asbestos instead. That could save Rs. 25,000/-. The debate moves to the colour of the roof. Grey or green? This goes on for over an hour & finally, the bike shed is approved...with an asbestos roof...grey in colour...& everyone goes home happy, that the fruitful deliberations helped save Rs. 25,000/-.
I am sure, this must be happening in your business meetings? 
It happens everywhere. 
Big issues are summarily dealt with, because we don’t want to take the trouble to understand them & everyone chips in on the trivial issues. This then, is *Parkinson’s* *_"Law of  Triviality"._* 
Or, as it’s popularly called, the *_Bicycle Shed Effect_*. 
It refers to the tendency of leaders in organisations, to spend disproportionate time discussing trivial issues. We waste time discussing things we are comfortable with, rather than focusing on what really matters. 
Next time you find your team wasting time discussing trivial things, press the pause button.
Bring them back to the big issue. 
Think of *_“The Bicycle Shed Effect”_*.

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