Happy New Year 2021
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A Thought for Today : April 8, 2008
Health Watch-10: '“Healthcare Today", a monthly magazine from UK
“…our currently adopted policy at Healthcare Today is to report but not to comment – though we will report on the comments of others. The only exception – in the magazine at least – is this column (Editorial). However, we have found a crafty way round this by including a blog on the website where we can say what we want; it is absolutely free to view and can be found at
Similarly, our live news page, www.hc2d.co.uk/livenews brings the very best healthcare news feeds from around the UK and across the globe to a single webpage – again access is completely free.”
Grateful thanks and all the best to Mr. Chris May and ‘Healthcare Today’.
Eyecatchers-70: Consumers' Rights
There is provision for consumers to lodge their complaints by sending e-mail to: consumer@tn.nic.in.
Also see, Wikipedia article on "Consumer Protection": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer_protection
Courtesy: “Malligai Magal”, Tamil Monthly, March 2008 (“Useful News”) and Wikipedia.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Letters-17: "“Dysfunctional System”"
Also read Wikipedia articles on "Judiciary" and "Separation of Powers": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judiciary
Grateful thanks to Dr.Y.P.Joshi, The Hindu and Wikipedia.
S&T Watch-3: “Chicken descended from Dinosaurs!” - AP
And, not a surprise, they confirmed a close relationship between mastodons and elephants.
Fossil studies have long suggested that modern birds descended from T.rex, based in similarities in their skeletons. Now, bits of protein obtained from connective tissues in a T.rex fossil shows a relationship to birds including chickens and ostriches, says a report in Friday’s edition of the journal, Science. – AP
Excerpt from “Chicken descended from dinosaurs?” – article published in The Hindu, Madurai, April 26, 2008.
Grateful thanks to AP, The Hindu and Wikipedia.
Health Watch-9: '“India burdened by Heart Disease” – AFP
Adding to the burden is a higher incidence of the types of heart disease resulting in serious illness and mortality, and the fact that these conditions strike at an early age, says the study.
Death rates are especially high among the country’s poorest residents, unable to get to hospital quickly in an emergency, or to afford routine treatments and surgery.
Ischaemic Heart Disease (IHD), mainly heart attacks and coronary artery disease, is the leading cause of mortality in the world, accounting for 7.1 million deaths in 2001. More than 80% of these were in developing countries.
Researchers have long known that south Asia has the highest level of acute coronary syndromes in the world, but little statistical data were available about treatment and health outcomes. - AFP
Excerpt from The Hindu, Madurai, April 26, 2008
Grateful thanks to AFP, The Hindu and Wikipedia.
Eyecatchers-69: Myth about Genetically Modified Crops
Last week the biggest study of its kind ever conducted - the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development - concluded that GM was not the answer to world hunger.
For the full article:
Grateful thanks to Geoffrey Lean and www.independent.co.uk
About International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)
IAASTD - Principles & Procedures
Genetically Modified Food in Wikipedia:
Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Thought for Today : April 6, 2008
Eyecatchers-68: "Silent Tsunami" of Hunger!
The skyrocketing cost of food staples, stoked by soaring fuel prices and demand from India and China, has already sparked sometimes violent protests across the Caribbean, Africa and Asia.
Josette Sheeran, the WFP’s executive director, in London for a summit on the crisis, said on Tuesday a “silent tsunami” of hunger is sweeping the world’s most desperate nations.
The price of rice has more than doubled in the last five weeks, she said. The World Bank estimates food prices have risen by 83% in three years.
“What we are seeing now is affecting more people on every continent,” Ms Sheeran told a London news conference.
Malaysia’s embattled Prime Minister is already under pressure over the price hikes and has launched a major rice growing project. Indonesia’s government needed to revise its annual budget to respond.
Unrest over the food crisis has led to deaths in Cameroon and Haiti, cost Haitian Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis his job, and caused hungry textile workers to clash with police in Bangladesh.
At streetside restaurants in Lome, Togo, even the traditional balls of corn meal or corn dough served with vegetable soup are shrinking. Once as big as a boxer’s fist, the dumplings are now the size of a tennis ball – but cost twice as much.
School feeding projects in Kenya and Cambodia have been scaled back and food aid halved in Tajikistan, said Ms.Sheeran.
Yet while angry street protesters call for immediate action – long term solutions are likely to be slow, costly and complicated, experts warn – AP.
Courtesy: AP and The Hindu, Madurai, April 24, 2008 (“Silent Tsunami” of Hunger Warned)
Grateful thanks to AP, The Hindu and Wikipedia.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Eyecatchers-67: "Bio-Fencing or Live Fencing"
The word fencing usually brings to mind along cement wall surrounding a plot of land or barbed steel wires attached to granite pillars around the periphery of the land.
For a variety of reasons, a small farm needs to be fenced. A fence marks the boundary of the farm and keeps away stray animals.
The investment for either constructing a wall or putting up steel wires is quite heavy. Small and marginal farmers cannot invest a huge sum for erecting such a fence.
Instead, Dr.G.Nammalvar, organic scientist, suggests that farmers can grow crops around their lands as a live fence.
“People who go for natural way of farming prefer to have a live fence,” he said. Even if it takes two or three years to complete such a task, the monetary investment is less and the fence becomes a long lasting one.
Usually thorny plants are grown to make a live fence. For example, bushes such as agave and cactus, creepers, and small shrubs (perennial bushes) are the most sought after ones. Besides, trees such as subabul and casuarinas can also be planted as a live fence.
But does not a live fence occupy more space and require care?”
“Yes, to an extent, live fence does occupy some more space than concrete structures, but it also gives us wild vegetables which are more nutritious and medicinal than the regular cultivated crops. This cannot be got from steel wires or concrete walls,” explained Dr.Nammalvar. A perennial bio-fencing with a width of 3 to 4 metres will be a boon to a farm. For example, bamboo can be ideally used as live fence material.
After four or five years, bamboo gives us building material for farm requirements and its leave a good fodder for cattle and goat.
“When we choose plants for bio-fencing it would be wise to choose multi purpose plants. Bio-fencing has one more role to play in the farming.
It can act as a wind breaker. During the summer months, it the dry wind enters the farm the soil moisture is carried away.
“A wind breaker breaks the speed of the wind and reduces the heat. Likewise in the winter season, it blocks the cold winds and saves the crop from damage due to frost, and reduces the damage from cyclones. Tree species such as subabul and casuarinas, if closely planted, will form very good wind breakers.
“The best purpose of having a live fence is that it serves as a shelter belt. This provides shelter for wild animals such as squirrels, rats, mongoose, hares, foxes and birds such as sparrow, cuckoo, mina, peacock and wild chicken,” he explained.
These wild animals help the farmer in plant protection by eating the pests on plants and by adding micro nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, nitrogen and phosphorus.
Also they help in converting organic and inorganic substances into elements needed for the growth of cultivated and uncultivated plants, according to him.
“We should keep in mind that we would not walk into the shelter belt frequently to encourage the wild friends to come and nest inside.
“They will bring seeds of plants from far off places and their excreta brings new kinds of micro organisms to our soil,” said Dr.Nammalvar.
A good example of a live-fence is at Kolunchi, centre for training and research on ecological food production located in Odugampatti village at a distance of 11 kilometers from Keeranur, Pudukkottai district.
It is established and maintained by Kudumbam, a Non-Governmental Organization engaged in LEISA (Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture).
For more information, readers can contact Dr.G.Nammalvar at No.17/9, 5th Cross, Srinivasa Nagar, Thiruvanaikkoil, Tiruchi-620005, Tamil Nadu. Email: nammalvar@gmail.com, mobile: 9442531699.
Courtesy: M.J.Prabhu (‘Role of a live fence in a small farm) and The Hindu, Madurai, April 24, 2008 (Agricutlure).
Also read Wikipedia article on "Fencing": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fencing
Grateful thanks to Mr.M.J.Prabhu, The Hindu and Wikipedia.
S&T Watch-2: WR104, an unstable binary spiral star system
Courtesy: Christian Lorentzen, Harper’s Weekly Review, March 11, 2008
Grateful thanks to Mr. Christian Lorentzen, Harper’s Weekly and Wikipedia.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A Thought for Today : April 5, 2008
S&T Watch-1: Surveilance Camera to detect Explosives and Cocaine
Courtesy: Christian Lorentzen, Harper’s Weekly Review, March 11, 2008
Grateful thanks to Mr. Christian Lorentzen and Harper’s Weekly.
Health Watch-8: 'Drug-resistant TB on the rise!'
Courtesy: Paul Ford, Harper’s Weekly Review, March 4, 2008
Grateful thanks to Mr.Paul Ford and Harper’s Weekly.
Facts & Figures-28 : "Record Food Grains Output Likely"
Excerpt from ‘Record Foodgrains output likely’ by Vinay Kumar, The Hindu, Madurai, April 23, 2008
Grateful thanks to Mr.Vinay Kumar and The Hindu.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Letters-16: "Shocking and Shameful"
The poor farmers of Vidharbha seem to be twice cursed – by the gross official neglect and by the media euphoria that they are being showered with enormous charity. - S.V.Venugopalan, Chennai
Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, April 22, 2008 (Letters to the Editor)
Grateful thanks to Mr.S.V.Venugopalan, Chennai and The Hindu.
Essence of Living
Fear of death looms large in the lives of people. It is the fear of losing what we possess and also the fear of the unknown that makes death fearful to most of us. It seems sensible to seek the cover of security that life seems to offer and get involved in the attainments, agendas and desires relevant in this context rather than even think of death.
Swami Mitrananda pointed out in a lecture that the philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the essence of intelligent living as a well-designed plan for a rewarding exit from this world. Lord Krishna makes it clear that death is inevitable to one who is born and it is necessary to remove any sense of fear towards the reality of death. Since the Lord assures that those who remember Him at the time of death surely will attain Him, the path for the spiritual seeker is clear – to constantly have thoughts of Him even while engaged in one’s daily duties. When a person dies, the soul attains that state which the mind had been contemplating at the time of death. Our past thoughts and actions determine our present birth and our future is determined by our present way of life. Our desires direct the mind and the body goes in pursuit of those thoughts. If our life is directed towards God, our mind directs us towards thoughts of God. One has to pay attention to these materials while living.
Since Vedanta is difficult to comprehend even when one’s intellectual and physical faculties are intact, it will be well nigh impossible to be grasped at the time of death. So the mind has to be trained to be in contemplation mode during one’s life time through sincere practice. If the lifetime is spent in the pursuit of wealth, one loses the chance to gain to higher knowledge of Vedanta that can win liberation. We get tossed in the finite world.
To get out of this endless cycle, one has to let go of attachments to people, places, possessions, etc. Practising detachment can help one to conquer fear of death, enabling one to face death with peace and no regrets. When desires are transcended, one gains the courage to lose what one has been attached to, even it be a mere pen or a coveted post that had been gained through tremendous effort.
Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, April 22, 2008 (Religion)
Grateful thanks to Swami Mitranandaji Maharaj and The Hindu for the wonderful article and Paolo Nao and the Public-Domain-Photos.com for freely providing the above photograph.
Mobile Phones could kill more people than smoking and asbestos
“Mobile phone” from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Human health impacts)
“Mobile phone radiation and health”, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“Health warning against excessive mobile phone use” - The New Zealand Herald (quoting Reuters), January 3, 2008
“Are mobile phones wiping out our bees?” (Scientists claim radiation from handsets are to blame for mysterious 'colony collapse' of bees), By Geoffrey Lean and Harriet Shawcross, Sunday, 15 April 2007, The Independent,
“Case of the disappearing bees creates a buzz” by Eric Sylvers, International Herald Tribune, April 22, 2007
“Mobile Phones and Health”, Independent Expert Group Report on Mobile Phones, (The Stewart Report),
Pollution affects scent of flowers
Courtesy: Paul Ford, Harper’s Weekly Review, April 15, 2008
“Key to Scent of Flowers”, Sci Tech, The Hindu, Nov.27, 2003
“Pollution ‘dulling the scent of flowers’”, Sci Tech, The Hindu, April 20, 2008
“Pollution dulling the scent of flowers”, Financial Express, April 21, 2008
“Scented Flowers and Foliages”, (Fragrances can have an effect on our emotions and wellbeing)
“Pollution dulling the scent of flowers”, Sci Tech, Eco News, www.zeenews.com (Pollution is endangering the most essential cycles of nature.)
“Pollution stifling flowers’ scents’, Alok Jha, Science Correspondent The Guardian, Monday April 14 2008, (why bees and other pollinating insects are in decline)
“Why flowers have lost their scent?”, Wren’s Nest News, Article 19614, posed April 20, 2009 (Pollution is dulling the scent of flowers and impeding some of the most basic processes of nature, disrupting insect life and imperilling food supplies).
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A Thought for Today : April 4, 2008
You can make a dime dishonestly, but it will cost
you a dollar later on - Unknown
Grateful thanks to Paulo Nao and Public-Domain-Photos.com and the unknown author of the above quotation.
A Thought for Today : April 3, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008
Eyecatchers-66: "Embryo Testing"
Courtesy: Paul Ford, HARPER'S WEEKLY REVIEW, January 22, 2008
Facts & Figures-27 : "Brain-enhancing Drugs!"
Courtesy: Paul Ford, HARPER'S WEEKLY REVIEW, April 15, 2008.
Letters-15: "Myth Shattered"
2. The article rightfully points to the fallacy of liberalization and trading in food commodities by big multinationals. Despite the government’s efforts, farmers are more vulnerable today than ever before. There is an immediate need to press the emergency button for some corrective action. – Tarun Kumar Pithode, New Delhi.
3. Inflation has always been a blessing for those who can dictate prices. We should guard against the possible subversion of the economy by interested forces from within and outside the country. Economics has gone beyond conventional wisdom. Strategic calculations now use economic subversion as a means to bring around countries. The clamour to permit FDI in the retail segment is an indication of this. – A.P.Govindan Kutty, Painkulam.
4. The only way in which I can express my admiration for P.Sainath’s article is to quote Eric Gill’s words in a letter to Ananda Coomaraswamy: “You hit the nail on the head bloody right, bloody hard and bloody often.” – Ramaswamy R.Iyer, New Delhi.
Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, April 18, 2008 (“Letters to the Editor)
Grateful thanks to M/s.Anadi Mitra, Bangalore; Tarun Kumar Pithode, New Delhi; A.P.Govindan Kutty, Painkulam; Ramaswamy R.Iyer, New Delhi and The Hindu.
A Thought for Today : April 2, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Eyecatchers-65: "John Wheeler and Black Holes"
Courtesy: Paul Ford, HARPER'S WEEKLY REVIEW, April 15, 2008.
Science Watch-9: "Coldest brown-dwarf Star"
Courtesy: Paul Ford, HARPER'S WEEKLY REVIEW, April 15, 2008.
Facts & Figures-26 : "8000-year-old Trees!"
Courtesy: Paul Ford, HARPER'S WEEKLY REVIEW, April 15, 2008.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Thought for Today : April 1, 2008

Green Books
Courtesy: ‘Young World’, Supplement to The Hindu, April 15, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A Thought for Today : March 31, 2008

A Thought for Today : March 30, 2008
Grateful thanks to Public-Domain-Photos.com
and the author of the photo, Magnus Rosendahl
A Thought for Today : March 29, 2008

Science of Value Education
Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Gol Park, Kolkata-700029.
E-mail: rmic@vsnl.com
x+332 pp
Reviewed by Dr S C Goswami, Former Reader in Chemistry, Dayal Singh College, New Delhi
If by ‘education’ is meant ‘character-building’ and ‘man-making’, then value education is the crying need of the hour. Value education is needed not only for students in various educational institutions but also for all human beings in all stages and walks of life. How to do it constitutes the theme of this book, which contains thoughtful addresses delivered by twenty dignitaries, including educationists, scientists, media persons, monks, and philosophers, at a national seminar held at the Institute of Culture.
The seminar comprised six academic sessions with fourteen papers presented, two panel discussions, and inaugural and valedictory sessions, held over the course of two days in January 2005. In his address of benediction, Swami Ranganathananda, fourteenth president of the Ramakrishna Order, says: “The problem for India in the modern age is the assimilation of the forces released by science, technology, and democracy, which are being grafted on to her traditional tree. The success of this experiment depends upon two factors: one, the vitality of the spiritual sap running in the tree, and two, its hospitality to the new forces contained in the grafts’.
In his inaugural speech, Prof.Kireet Joshi points out that yoga is a valid means for realization of values. Dr Saibal Gupta draws our attention to the daivi sampad, a detailed catalogue of universal values that appears in the Bhagavadgita. He also narrates how Niels Bohr, the famous physicist, had deep interest in some ideas of the Upanishads, an interest that was shared by Erwin Schroedinger. The Indian value system is based on the experience of the unity of existence. The doctrines of innate human divinity and oneness of existence, according to Swami Atmapriyananda, have the potential for ushering in a new world order. According to Prof.J.S.Rajput, the term ‘value education’ implies valuable education, education through which humans are enlightened. An education based on the Upanishads, Gita and yoga is valuable because it enlightens.
The topics covered in the volume range from the plight of family values in modern times, to scientific, genetic, and political aspects of value education, to value-based leadership and the role of the media. Unfortunately, a number of careless typographical errors litter the pages of the book; more careful proof-reading would improve a second edition.
Every participant has contributed to the literary and knowledge content of the book. It is recommended especially to our political leaders as a wide-ranging treatment of a vitally important subject.
Courtesy: ‘Prabuddha Bharata’ (Awakened India), a monthly journal from the Ramakrishna Order, April 2008.
Letters-14: "Women's Day"
Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, March 15, 2008 (‘Letters to the Editor)
Grateful thanks to Mr Shahabuddin Nadeem and The Hindu.
'Celebrating the Book' by Rachna Chhabria
International Children’s Book Day (ICBD) are held on April 2 to honour Hans Christian Andersen
By Rachna Chhabria
There is a day for mothers, for fathers, for children, for friendship and many other such days. A day that is more than welcome, is the International Children’s Book Day sponsored by IBBY (the International Board on Books for Young People), a non-profit organization representing an international network of people. The sole aim of IBBY is to bring books and children together. The first encounter with the world – amusing, delightful and quirky characters are all courtesy books. Today books are pitted against PSP’s, computers, iPods, and cell phones to claim a share of the ever shifting attention.
International Children’s Book Day celebrations are held on April 2 to commemorate one of the greatest children’s writers, Hans Christian Andersen, who was born on the same day in 1805, in Odense, Denmark. After his father’s death, H.C.Andersen as he later came to be known as in his country, worked in factory. He displayed a talent for poetry, publishing a volume of poetry in 1830. H.C.Andersen is famous for his fairtytales, “The Tin Soldier”, “The Tinderbox”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, and “The Little Mermaid”, which gained popularity and delighted children worldwide. These fairytales have been translated into many languages. Hans Christian Andersen died in 1875.
Each year a different national section of IBBY, has the wonderful opportunity to be the international sponsor of the International Children’s Book Day. The host nation decides upon a theme, and invites a prominent author from the host country to create a message for the children of the world, and a well known illustrator is asked to design a poster. These messages are used in many and different ways to promote books and reading.
The host country for the 2008 International Children’s Book Day is Thailand and the theme is ‘BOOKS ENLIGHTEN; KNOWLEDGE DELIGHTS’.
You can pitch in and support the ICBD by disappearing into the pages of a book at least on that day. Not only will you emerge armed with knowledge, you will also get to meet delightful characters that only reside in the world of books.
Courtesy: ‘Young World’, Supplement to The Hindu, March 28, 2008
Grateful thanks to Rachna Chhabria and The Hindu. And sorry readers! sorry for the belated posting.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
A Thought for Today : March 28, 2008
A Thought for Today : March 27, 2008
Courtesy: 'The Secrets of Inner Peace' by J.Donald Waters (My grateful thanks to J.Donald Waters for his excellent booklet)
A Thought for Today : March 26, 2008
Letters-13: "Subramania Bharati's Letters"
2. By publishing the letters written by Subramania Bharati, The Hindu rekindled the spirit of millions of Mahakavi’s followers. Our politicians can learn a lesson or two from him on nationalism transcending the barriers of caste, creed and religion. For this precious discovery, The Hindu and its team deserve to be specially praised. – Prabhu Jagannathan, Chennai.
3. The painstaking efforts of A.R.Venkatachalapathy, Professor, MIDS, and K.Rajendrababu, chief librarian of The Hindu, in sifting through the records and ferreting out from the old microfilmed archives the letters and articles scripted by the great nationalist bard and published in The Hindu paid rich dividends and threw light on the hitherto unknown facets of the poet’s life. From his writings, we can visualize his characteristic courage while taking on the mighty British regime. The language, with prolific flow interspersed with punch words, bears testimony to his mastery over English, his sense of patriotism and his strong desire for achieving social transformation along with political freedom. Hats off to The Hindu for providing this illustrious poet a forum to air his views even while he was in trying situations. The funeral of this epoch-making writer was attended by only a few. But The Hindu paid a fitting tribute to him on September 12, 1921, through a short editorial. – R.Sampath, Chennai.
4. Subramania Bharati’s letters made interesting reading. His thoughts on casteism, ill-treatment of widows and his ideas on Tamil were way ahead of his times. It is amazing to see how proficiently he used English to express his thoughts on India being a social slave. His views are relevant even today and have a profound impact on the reader. Thanks to The Hindu for giving the readers a rare glimpse into such inspired and thought-provoking letters. – Sumathi Chandrashekaran, Chennai.
5. Congratulations on behalf of lakhs of Bharati admirers and lovers to The Hindu on its splendid publication of the letters, which served to educate the present generation on the spirit of the patriot. The full-page dedication speaks volumes about the love and regard The Hindu has for the Mahakavi. – K.Ramamurthi, Chennai.
Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, April 8, 2008 (‘Letters to the Editor’)
(I am also one of the lakhs of admirers of the Mahakavi and my grateful thanks to THE HINDU for publishing his letters.)
Science Watch-8: "DNA Testing Kit on Sale"
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
A Thought for Today : March 25, 2008

A Thought for Today : March 24, 2008

Letters-12: "Water dispute between Karnataka and Tamilnadu"
2. Do the pro-Kannada groups want to settle the issue on the streets by breaking windshields and deflating tyres? Their counterparts in Tamil Nadu too are doing the same. The common man who uses public transport is put to great hardship by such acts of vandalism. No State is an island. Each must co-exist peacefully with the other, particularly a neighbour. Violence will not solve any issue and the streets are certainly not the place to solve the problem of water-sharing between neighbouring States. - K.M.G.Vivekanandam, Madurai.
Monday, April 07, 2008
A Thought for Today : March 22, 2008

A Thought for Today : March 19, 2008

Sound health is the greatest of gifts; contentedness, the greatest of riches; trust, the greatest of qualities – Gautama Buddha
A Thought for Today : March 18, 2008

Friday, April 04, 2008
My Album-38: "Pictures from our Puja Room and elsewhere!"

Sorry, pictures are not clear! Maybe due to insufficient light. I confess that I have to learn a lot about photography.