Happy New Year 2021


Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Be a Better Person

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Life can be difficult. People are always looking for an influence, someone to look up to, someone to emulate. You can set the example, be the person that people want to be like. You can help change the world by changing yourself.


  1. Make friends. If there is someone that works or lives near you that seems devoid of a friend, reach out and help them. It is incredible the difference one person can make if they become another's friend.
  2. Read. Read all of the time and about everything. People admire smart peers, and being well-educated means that you will be able to stick up for what you believe in by using fact.
  3. Live life to the fullest. Try out for that school sport. Volunteer at the soup kitchen. Write that journal. Fill your life to the brim with rewarding activities and enjoy the blessings that come of them.
  4. Boost your intelligence. The ability to perform mental tasks with ease in invaluable; taking simple steps in your daily life will help you to cultivate your brain power.
  5. Finish college. If you haven't gone yet, make a plan to do so. There are so many opportunities that you are missing out on if you refrain from getting a formal education. Job opportunities will be opened up, you will gain respect from colleagues, along with the bonus asset that you become more intelligent. It is never to late to go to school.
  6. Help others. If your best friend is in need of a lift, take him with you on your way to work. If your son is having trouble with his homework, try to take time to help him. When you help others, it not only makes you feel good, but you gain others' trust, which is invaluable to have. Helping out can also be a learning experience.
  7. Spend time with your family. It is truly a learning experience to all of you. Spending quality time away from the T.V. can help you delve into the minds and hearts of your loved ones, allowing you to help them with any problems they may be experiencing and getting to genuinely know them. Studies have shown that children that eat dinner as a family are less likely to do drugs, alcohol, or be depressed. Just fifteen minutes a day with family can deeply help everyone involved.
  8. Think before you speak - a good listener tends to be a good person, and trust from others will follow.
  9. Stay active. Being healthy and fit allows you to perform more tasks with ease and precision. Just thirty minutes of activity a day can help you lead a healthier, longer, more fruitful life. So what are you waiting for?


  • Remember, never lose sight of who you really are or what your goals in life are.
  • While it is great to help others, be sure to leave some time for yourself.
  • Your family is very important. Always make time for them.

  • Feed your spiritual need. There is a need to be part of a group and have them care about what you have to offer to the group. Feeding your spiritual health is just as important as feeding your body.

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Be a Better Person. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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