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Thursday, May 29, 2008

How to Succeed in Life

WikiHow has given the title, 'How to be a God'. But I think the title, 'How to Succeed in Life' reads better. Don't you?

How to Be a God

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

An editor has suggested a title change:Become Superior To Others In accordance with the title policy, titles should be the most concise, most commonly searched way to describe the content. To suggest a new title, change this template or comment on the discussion page. Notice added on 2008-02-25.

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Many humans were worshipped throughout history as gods. The Japanese emperors, the Egyptian pharaohs, the ancient Roman Emperors; all of them were official deities within their state religion, and yet there are very few who honor them as deities today (though a few who worship the Japanese Emperor as a deity still remain.) The main problem with these individuals is that as their state backing declined, their religious stature did, as well. Despite that, there is no reason why you couldn't follow in their footsteps. True they're just humans, but even humans can be gods...
The truth is that you cannot become a god. There is no god but god.
All those who claim to be god are liers. They will suffer the same fate as others before them.


  1. Set your goals. Why do you want to be God? What is your purpose? What is your resolve? If you can't do this then don't bother.
  2. Study. If you want to achieve power among the masses, you must at least have some sort of special intelligence or ability. Be a brilliant tactician/strategist, strive to be a resourceful and competent leader. If possible, get an IQ higher than 120.
  3. Choose your path. Either be a sociopath and wipe out all those who you believe to be unworthy to live in this world, or be a type of leader who lets everyone be themselves with equal footing all around.
  4. Gain allies. As much as being God of a new world, you're still human. There's a 100% chance that others will gang up on you to try and defeat you so allies are a must. But choose carefully, don't choose a complete idiot as they will become useless and don't ally yourself with a mind more powerful than you, as this will surely backfire in the future.
  5. Learn the art of war. Every conqueror will gain enemies, so strive your best to learn how to build, manage, rule and fight with an army of your own. Master the basic skill of psychological warfare: Learn your enemy's weakness and learn to exploit that weakness. Again, be, as much as you can, a brilliant tactician/strategist as this will help in eventual future skirmishes.
  6. Find resources. What kind of conqueror are you if you don't have funds? You're only human so you can't possibly make money just by imagining it. Invest in stocks, save money, etc. Do whatever it takes to get money... as an old saying does go, "Money makes the world go round."
  7. Master deception. At times, your last resort would be to lie. To achieve your goals you must do everything necessary to get them. That includes elimination of your own men, etc.
  8. Eliminate your obstacles. The second hardest to pull off, as you must eradicate any type of threat in your way. Be it a political leader, enthusiast, or just someone whom you feel as a threat, especially those who're smarter and better than you. Think two steps ahead of your opponents consider it just like a game of chess.
  9. Retain your sanity. Finally, the hardest task to pull off, keep your head in the game. Don't lose it. Don't have pathetic delusions of being a god when you're not even close to being a government lapdog. There's a 100% guarantee that most times you will think of giving up. Don't. When you ever feel that you're losing it, overcome it. Note that some consider this optional.
  10. Become omni-everything. This is vital to developing true deity.
  11. Make your move. If you feel it's time to dominate and attack, then trust your instincts. Go for the win, never look back and win the war. Be the new God of your new world.


  • You're never too old or too young to be a god.
  • It would be smart to first get a high ranking career before trying to do anything risky.
  • Considering the number of allies, it depends solely on you. It doesn't really matter how much as long as you have a guarantee that you can trust them.
  • There's a lot of books out there about "The Art of War". Mostly done from Asia or Europe but they're still useful in some ways. But if you want the really useful ones, then you're on your own. These certain 'special' books were published over centuries ago during the dark times of war and misguidance and are hard to get a hold of.
  • It would take years and years of patience to gain enough funds so just strive for it. It would really pay off once you've got sufficient assets.


  • It's no question that if you ever begin this conquest, you'll be shunned by many and thought of as nothing more than a crazy deluded individual.
  • Obviously if you get somewhere and start your campaign, don't be surprised if you be accused of treason and be sent to prison.
  • You're gambling everything once you begin this journey of god-like proportions. Think carefully and consider your luck.
  • If not careful, then no doubt you'll end your own life.
  • Remember, this is only an article. Just by following these steps doesn't mean you'll automatically turn into an actual god. These are only suggestions.

Things You'll Need

  • An unquestionable purpose
  • Unbelieveable gullability
  • A strong will
  • A firm desire
  • A tenacious resolve
  • Faithful allies
  • Funds
  • An insignia or emblem of sorts (optional)
  • Intelligence
  • Books of war
  • Connections (if you know what i mean)
  • Supplies
  • Invulnerability
  • An unlimited infinite lifespan
  • Complete power over all things. This takes time.
  • A coffin (just in case)

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Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Be a God. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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