Happy New Year 2021


Saturday, November 27, 2021


If the temperature is too high, the frequency will rise naturally and then the visible universe will cool down.

 The radio wave is converted into heat in the secondary state.  The radio wave is not perceptible but the radio wave is instrumental.  The red star indicates a low temperature.  The blue star indicates a warmer state.  Furthermore, the apparent heat of the star decreases, which means that the star begins to cool.  Then such a star makes more of a gamma cosmic wave.  When the temperature rises again, the star becomes a dark black hole.  But the temperature of the invisible universe is rising here.

 Here the visible universe and the invisible universe are two and the same.  As the visible universe expands, so the visible universe shrinks.  That is, the evolution of the visible universe and the non-visible universe is inversely proportional.  Now the visible universe is shrinking and the visible universe is expanding.  The magnitude of the energy of the visible universe and the magnitude of the dark matter determine whether the apparent is expanding or contracting.  The invisible universe is expanding as dark matter also exists.  The nunnic field is evolving in the unseen universe.  Dense ether fields first develop in the visible universe.  The concentrated ether fields then cool and form fire, air, liquid, and solids in the middle phase of contraction.  The end ends in singularity.  The big bang occurs when the singularity peaks.  But the Big Bang did not happen in the visible universe.  The Big Bang happened in an invisible universe.  At first the Big Bang evolves into a dense sky.  Then the dense sky cooled and the first fire was born.  At that time neither solids nor liquids nor gases were born.  So there was no star.  The light came on when the apparent fire was born.  The sky shone brightly.  The apparent energy level at that time was around 40%.  Today the visible energy level of the universe is only three percent.  Universal expansion contraction is an infinite cycle.  The 30 cycles of cosmic expansion contraction are called a masspith rotation.  When a Masspith rotation is complete we will meet again in the same place and there will be no difference.  The forces of the universe cannot change that.  That is called fate.  If you go straight from one point of the earth you will reach the same point but the space points change due to the movement of the earth.  But Masspith returns to the same space point in rotation.

 Is the right view of fate (fate or prejudice?) Will man strive, and what he will desire and what he will do, are all links in a chain of predestined causal relationships?  If so, not only external things, but even light movements of the mind are part of the destiny.  You can achieve what you want.  But what you want is doomed.  Judgment is not complete.  There are those who think that judgment can be changed by effort and action.  If the phenomenon of duplicative precognition is accepted, it will be understood that the verdict will not be halved.  What you can change is the present.  Thus the future is completely doomed by the fact that you are doomed to change.  The transcript of what happened during the last lunar rotation gives us a first look at the future of the current masspith movement.  This is the scientific basis of the phenomenon of duplicative precognition.  The Masspith Principle acknowledges this phenomenon.  With new evidence.  It is only by knowing something that one can know all this.  This is the question that Shaunakan Angiras asks the sage.  Today it's the reality of the Masspith Principle.  Masspith knows it, you can know it all.

Grateful thanks to 

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